Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Trick or Treat 2011
Look at that cute ham-in-buger! Or hamburger for folks over the age of two. Some would ask..."hamburger, really?" Well, here is the deal. I tried a few costumes on Nolan all of which had to be put on over his head or came with a head piece. He flipped out every time. Screams, fits, and "nooooo Mommy" could be heard all over Target. So, when we walked in to Old Navy and he pointed and said HAM-IN-BUGER I had to give it a shot. He tried it on with no problems and loved it. So, I bought it :) Most mothers try to cute their kid up for Halloween, and I am no exception. I didn't LOVE the hamburger, but it didn't bother me either. It wasn't until we went to Ghouls at Grassmere that I realized how stinkin' adorable he looked. I wasn't the only one who noticed. People everywhere were ohhhing and ahhhhing at my little Boo. Kids loved his costume and so did the adults. I guess it was a pretty original idea. I saw princesses and superheros all night, but he was the only hamburger. He really got into the trick or treating this year. He loved getting the candy and banging on doors. For some reason, my 5,000 word child would not say "trick or treat"...he won't say sorry these days either. He sifted through his Halloween loot and ate two pieces of candy. Yep, only two. He is like his mommy. He much preferred the bag of cookies that a neighbor gave him :)
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Every Patch in the South
And that title is not an exaggeration! I knew that this Halloween season was going to be a fun one. At 2 years old, Nolan is all about new experiences. We don't typically go to "farm" type places, so this was as new as it was going to get. I hope you enjoy the "picture tour" of our pumpkin pickin'! Sadly, I think we will fit one more in before the season is over ;)
***It happened...we visited another pumpkin patch since the start of the post. What can I say??? I am a fall junkie!

He absolutely loved having that spider on his face all day. He asked to see it about 400 times.

Cow is his go to farm animal, so he was stoked to say "moooooooooooooo"

Somehow all of our big butts fit inside this wood car built for 40 pound small children.

He got stuck in the middle, so Daddy to the rescue :)

Pumpkin Train!
Honey Suckle Hill, Springfield
It is so nice to have Elise living here. She gets to experience the FUN Nolan has to offer :)

Does he not look like a little farm boy?

These "tractors" were a huge hit! He loved watching them, but he loved riding them ever more. Thanks to Aunt Weesie he had the time of his life!

We have to get one of these!
As soon as we pulled into the pumpkin patch he yelled "punkin patch, mom" "punkin train, mom". Since we rode the pumpkin train at the last farm, he just knew that a train was at this farm as well. There was a huge pumpkin train that could sit about 14 people. We walked up behind two people thinking that the wait couldn't be that long. After standing for about 5 minutes, one of the ladies said, "I'm letting you know that I am holding a place in line for my family. There are 13 of us. The other lady and myself walked away...I did not give an angry look....I promise :P We explored a little while longer when we found this! A cow train! Boo was down, so I was, too :)
Jackson's Orchard, Bowling Green
Nolan has soooo much fun following Petey around. He watched him do this trick, and immediately tried it himself. It didn't last long when he realized he was too short to get onto the crossbar :)

Look for'll find Nolan :)

Been BFF's with this one for 10 years. You would think we could figure out how to get a cute pic of us with our kids :)
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Mountain Man
Nolan has been full of "big kid" moments lately, but today was the biggest of them yet! We invited PawPaw on a "hike"...aka...15 minute walk. There is an wonderful walking trail at Warner Park that makes you feel like you are in the middle of the woods. Perfect for kids because it is level. Nolan is all boy lately so anything outdoors is right up his alley. About 5 minutes into our walk, we came upon a trail head. It was a rocky uphill climb...perfect for a photo opp! Nolan climbed and climbed. Dad mentioned a few times that he was impressed by his balance. The kid was going faster than we were. After 10 minutes or so, we had reached the top of the "mountain". I suggested we turn around and go back. Dad wanted to keep going. He said that in about 15 minutes we could be back to the car. It was an awesome hike. Boo had sticks to find, rocks to jump off, and managed to take a few spills. Of course, when he fell down I would help him back up with much annoyance by my father. In his words...I can't pick him up his entire life. At this point in the 15 minute walk, I realized he had been walking about 30 minutes. I had to skool my dad on the fact that while Nolan speaks like a 5 year old, looks like a 3 year old, and acts like a 10 year old that he was in fact a 26 month old. :) He laughed and agreed! An HOUR AND 15 MINUTES after our hike began we made it back to the trail head. Dad said,"Wow, BuckyBoy you hiked like a big kid!" And he did! In that moment, I realized that my baby Boo was turning into a kid before my very eyes. He kept up, did not cry, did not asked to be held. He enjoyed every minute of our adventure...big kid style! Here are some pics from today's hike :)
Getting started! Notice the excitement...and the stick :)
Right behind Nolan is a creek...or should be. We have had NO rain in the past 6 weeks.
He saw this and yelled "BRRRIIIIIDDDDGGGGEEEE"!
"Whatcha lookin' at?"
Mountain Man and his log. He tried to balance and walk across, but this is as far as he got :)
He booked it up these rocks.
It made PawPaw a little nervous so he walked behind him.
This was going to be a cut picture, but he sneezed as soon as I pushed the button :)
The boy and his walking stick PawPaw made him. He never used it to help him walk. He just carried it the whole way :)
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