Last week, Brad and I took Nolan to the Ringling Brothers Circus. It was a very last minute situation. I looked on line at ticket prices and noticed that the first night was half price! I am all about saving a buck these days...$50 dollars for pretty good seats. Saving a buck also turned into a pain in the butt. The evening of our show we had torrential down poors. I made sure Nolan and myself had rain jackets to wear, and assumed that my husband could take care of himself....wrong. By the time we parked and walked two blocks to the arena, Brad was soaked from head to toe. See picture below :)
Now, I have not been to the circus since I was small and I don't really remember many details. However, I do know that it was not a massive/electric three ringed event! I was blown away by the lights/music/showman ship I almost forgot to notice the animals and clowns :) Here are some pics Brad managed to snap. I was on "keep Nolan out of the hair of the woman in front of us duty". He did pretty well for a two year old boy who was suppose to be in bed in 30 minutes.