Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What a Weekend!

Wow! Take a deep breath because I am about to spill a lot of info! This weekend Nolan turned 9 months old. I just teared up as I typed that sentence. My booboo is growing so fast. When I was pregnant, people all over the place would tell me to savor the moments because he was going to grow like a weed. Man, they were right. He changes daily. Never thought the person I would want to spend all my extra time with would be the size of a pillow...squishy like one too ;) It was a HUGE weekend for Nolan. On Friday, Mrs. Brandi told Nolan that his homework over the weekend was to learn to crawl and get some teethers. My boy made his teacher mama proud...he did his homework. The crawling part isn't so surprising. Nolan has been scootching around this house for weeks. His technique is a little strange, however. He has chosen the "army crawl" method. He seems to like it. As his mother, I wish he would do it the good old fashioned way....he sweeps the floor with his belly and that kinds grosses me out. The teeth...yes teeth...getting part is what I was ecstatic about. For months, people (some random, some close to home) have been AMAZED that Nolan had not cut a tooth yet. The first few remarks didn't bother me, but when the 369th person made their comment it started to worry me. I knew he had teeth in there, but everyone seemed to think they should have made their presence know by now. Here is how I found them.....Nolan had a great weekend. Leeah, Petey, and Kyle came for a visit and to help with the house remodel effort. THANK YOU MY FRIENDS TO THE NORTH....YOU ARE THE BEST! Sunday, we went to the mall to run and errand and made a pit stop at Christie cookie. Now that Nolan is on mostly table food, I give him tastes of most everything I eat...including snickerdoodles. I was putting a piece of cookie in his mouth and he bit down on my finger. I think the entire mall heard me scream "MY BABY HAS A TOOTH!" I was soooo excited I almost cried. Nolan's two bottom teeth are coming in at the same time. No signs to let me know he was uncomfortable. Perfect baby :) I have attached a video of him crawling. This was on Saturday and his skills have gotten much better....he can follow us around the house now :)

Just a little warning. This may be my last blog post for a few weeks unless something magical happens....like Nolan learning to walk :) With home remodeling, end of school activities, and good old life, my free time is limited!

Peek A Boo Boo

I could hear this baby laugh ever minute on the minute!

Monday, May 10, 2010

My first Mother's Day

I got flowers from both my guys. One of the guys did better than the other ;) My sweet husband got me a hydrangea plant. Sweet. He knows I love hydrangea....purple ones. He got me pink. He said I could plant it in our new back yard...I don't plant. We don't even own a shovel :) My sweet little man got me a flower of a different kind...the perfect kind. Already planted and it comes with a picture of his cute face to boot!

It's says "Thanks for bee-ing my mom". The little bees were made out of his thumb prints. What creative daycare teachers he has :)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

It's Been a While.........

We have had an interesting week and a half...to put it mildly. Two major things happened. First, we bought our first house! YAY! There was so much chaos leading up to the closing that I really didn't think it was going to happen. The day after closing it began to rain..and rain...and rain. Our little family lived through the greatest flood Nashville as seen in a century. There was so much devastation, but we lived up to our nickname...THE VOLUNTEER STATE! The day it stopped raining people we out in droves helping neighbors, family, and even strangers. I was a nervous wreck Friday to Sunday. You see our little nest egg we just purchased has a cute little creek that runs along side our property. Well, the cute little creek quickly became a raging river. Amazingly, it did not come out of it's bank. I don't know how. Every creek in middle TN came out of its bank. Here are some pics of our interesting week:

Yep, downtown Nashville underwater. An unbelievable site to see.

These two pics are a mile or less from our house in opposite directions. I don't know how we got lucky!

And here is our cute little home. The front door is red, but I have it open so you can't see it. The creek lines the yard to the right if this picture.

One of the three bedrooms. Notice the popcorn. We are in the process of taking it down...ohhh the fun!

Living room area. Notice the stain on the hardwood. There are two of these. Previous owner had a dog. Let me tell you. She must have not owned a vacuum. There was dog hair everywhere. Nasty gross...gross and nasty. Hopefully the couch will cover that spot for now.

Dining area. Hate that light...it's coming down. Love all of the windows though!

Kitchen. Hate red...it's going bye bye.
The next few pics are for my green thumb of a mother :)

We have beautiful peony bushes. I wanted so badly to have a bouquet full of peonies for my wedding. It wasn't in my budget, so we had to do a mixture of roses and peonies...still beautiful. Ironic isn't it. I can go out my back door and make my own bouquet now :)

I can not tell if this is a peony or not. I think so, but it doesn't look like the others ones...what do you think mom?

This is an interesting plant in the front yard. What are these berry things????

Back yard

We got a new wet vac to help with popcorn clean up....Nolan loves a box!

Today is Mother's Day. We had a nice little dinner at the park. Nolan loves to gnaw on an apple.