Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Perfect Yard

When we first started looking at houses, we knew we wanted some kind of yard. Small, big, flat, hilly...whatever...just a yard. How happy am I that we bought a house with a large mostly flat lot. Up until about a week ago, Nolan would not walk in grass. Super funny to watch him stop dead in his tracks when he game to the green stuff. Last night I was able to get a few shots of Nolan really enjoying his back yard :)

Couldn't quite make it up these

Rolling in the grass getting all kinds of chiggers I am sure :)

Mid run...no he is not wearing a dress. His outfit is not buttoned :)

Face plant!!! No worries...he was on the grass :)

He is love of the backyard is only going to get stronger as he grows older!

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