I'M BAAAAAAAAAACK! Lordy Mercy! It has been a while! Almost 3 months for those of us that are counting. Life has been coocoo professionally and personally lately which is the reason for my lack of blogging. Writing about my boo destresses me and reminds me of how great the simple things in life can be, so I am back in action. Let's get started. While I was gone, NOLAN TURNED TWO!
Believe it or not...Nolan has turned two years old. I don't know where the time has gone. Children grow up so quickly that you forget that you are aging as well. He is talking up a storm, and when I say talking I mean SENTENCES. He can hold a conversation, and ask questions when needed. He knows all his major colors, can recognize most numbers through 10, and can count to 15 by himself :) Nolan is a fortunate little kid. His birthday lasted about 3 weeks this year :) Here is a picture log of his birthday extravaganza.

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