Tuesday, January 14, 2014

He Eats!

With Nolan, I was an eager beaver when it came to feeding solid foods. I'm not sure he was even 4 months old before I started shoving cereal down his throat...he was a chunk so he didn't mind :) With James, I was a little more patient. Mainly, because I knew that adding three meals a day was a little less convenient when having meals out of the house...ha! I started James a little after 6 months.  He has enjoyed his puréed fruits, veggies and meats as I'm sure you have noticed :) I introduced puffs at almost 8 months. He hated them. Gagged. Spit them out every time. I have him peas...gagged. Mashed potatoes...gagged. Green beans...for some reason...LOVED! Tonight I tried cooked carrots and those were a big it as well. It seems that he is getting used to chunks rather than purées. So, I gave the puffs another go, and..............

Insert a super cute video of him feeding himself a puff, but blogger app won't let me upload a video...arggggg!

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