Saturday, February 15, 2014

Nolan's first stomach bug :(

Poor Nolan got his first stomach virus. Being in daycare since he was three months old, I guess we should consider ourselves lucky that it has taken this long.  I'll spare the details, but he vomited 4 times from 11:30 pm to 3:30 am. Once in the bed, once beside the toilet, once down the side of his bed, and finally once in the trash can.  Let me say this. When my students throw up at school, it makes me almost throw up. I can't handle it. A few people have told me it wouldn't be as bad of a reaction with my own kids....whatever. Look at this pitiful face:

He spend the ENTIRE day in bed on Saturday:

But he was rolling with the punches by Sunday.  24 hour bug one claimed one member of our family...thank The Lord!

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