Monday, March 24, 2014


Oh!!!!  This photo says so much about these two.  On one hand, it shows just how much Nolan loves to annoy his brother. He isn't mean to him, but he sure doesn't know when to stop. James rides the fence of having fun/get the heck away. So, in Nolan's defense James is a little wishy washy when it comes to playin with his older brother. On the other hand, this picture show so much of Nolan's personality!  Do you see that sweet smile? He is almost oblivious to James and his irritation. Nolan lives in the land of fun and play which can occasionally drive James crazy.  I think it's a little too early to pin down James' personality, but as of now he seems to be a little more serious than his brother.  I just love seeing how these two are growing and developing into thier own distinct personalities :)

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