Sunday, April 6, 2014

Those Faces...

My boys' personalities expressed in a picture. Let's start with Nolan. Look at that face..those eyes. This boy's eyes light up the room. He has always had "smiling eyes".  I can always tell when he is sick by the way his eyes look because the light in them fades. Of course, his head is not next to mine as I asked. He put his Nolan-ness in the pic by putting his head funnily to the side. My goofy, fun loving kid makes sure he is seen and heard at all times. Then there is James. Some might say that he is calm and still in the pic because he is still a baby. However, Nolan at the same age was just as energetic and full off goof as he is now. James is a calm soul. He is okay watching from afar and let's his brother take center stage...for the most part. James is quite bashful, and typically lies his head on me when being introduced to someone new. He has his moments though. When needed, he is loud just like his brother, and has the best baby laugh. I just love watching these two grow thier personalities.  It amazes me how two humans who came from the same two people could be so different in almost every way. 

Friday, March 28, 2014

Spring has Sprung

Spring Break 2014 is coming to a close...and I'm cool with that :). Being home with two mobile, energetic boys has me tired, exhausted, and just plain worn out! We have managed to have some fun, but we have managed to have some arguments. Yes, I argue with my 10 month old. Example: when he tries to climb the fire place and I say no, he turns and cusses me in baby talk. I consider that an argument! Here are some pics of our week:

Love these two boys more than I could have ever imagined. I love them and I am ready to go back to work! Ha! 

Monday, March 24, 2014


Oh!!!!  This photo says so much about these two.  On one hand, it shows just how much Nolan loves to annoy his brother. He isn't mean to him, but he sure doesn't know when to stop. James rides the fence of having fun/get the heck away. So, in Nolan's defense James is a little wishy washy when it comes to playin with his older brother. On the other hand, this picture show so much of Nolan's personality!  Do you see that sweet smile? He is almost oblivious to James and his irritation. Nolan lives in the land of fun and play which can occasionally drive James crazy.  I think it's a little too early to pin down James' personality, but as of now he seems to be a little more serious than his brother.  I just love seeing how these two are growing and developing into thier own distinct personalities :)

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Teething is for the BIRDS!

My poor James:(  He is one mean teething machine, and it's wearing us out! Nolan didn't cut his first tooth until he was 8 months. It seemed as though he cut two at a time each month after that. James on the other hand already has 8 teeth at 10 months. These last four have all come in at the same time.

In this pic, you can see that one of the tops has broken through. The other top plus the one next to it are bulging. He is chewing everything in sight, and we should have invested stock in baby Orajel. Praying that this phase passes soon because brad nor I can handle the waking in the middle of the night for much longer!

Monday, February 17, 2014

James: 9 months

James had his 9 month check up this morning, and let me!
He is off the chart in both weight and height (weight 28.14 height 31 1/8) AND his head is in the 90th percentile. Boy is big! Dr. Ladd asked if people commented on his bigness...only everywhere we go 😄 He was quick to tell me James was perfect and that he was growing at a normal pace on the chart. Big pace, but normal!  Here are a few highlights:

-he says mama and daddy and possible bottle. He knows what bite means and will follow or open his mouth...surprise.
- he claps...cute!
- size 4 diapers, but bought a box of size 5 yesterday 
- crawling everywhere and started for real pulling up TODAY...while on the skype with Grandma!
-wears 18 month clothes but needs 24 month sleepers
-has 4 bottom teeth and two top that have just poked through
- eyes are still blue and I hope they stay that way! 

He is such a chill baby and I am told often that he is so sweet, mild, and content. Don't let that fool you though. His cry is louder than Nolan's ever was 😁

Valentine's Day...Batman Style

Brad and I haven't had a Valentine date night since we had kids. Personally, I hate asking people to baby sit, and who wants to watch someone else's kids on the day of love?  So, Brad planned a wonderfully romantic evening that would appeal to all.  First, we went to Target to spend our Valentine gift cards from Grandma.  Nolan got some super cool Justice League cars and James got diapers :). Then, we picked up dinner from Chipotle...yummm.  Finally, we had our special Baman evening.  The entire family donned bat shirts and watched a we are in our awesome wear:

Nolan was in Heaven. He nicknamed us all: Batdad, Batmom, batson, and batbaby. We were the batclub. 

And just for is a pick of sweet baby James on Valentine's day at school. There are only three girls in his class and five boys. This is Mackenna. She is a few months younger than James :) She has two older brothers, so I have a feeling that she will be beating James up sooner than later :)

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Nolan's first stomach bug :(

Poor Nolan got his first stomach virus. Being in daycare since he was three months old, I guess we should consider ourselves lucky that it has taken this long.  I'll spare the details, but he vomited 4 times from 11:30 pm to 3:30 am. Once in the bed, once beside the toilet, once down the side of his bed, and finally once in the trash can.  Let me say this. When my students throw up at school, it makes me almost throw up. I can't handle it. A few people have told me it wouldn't be as bad of a reaction with my own kids....whatever. Look at this pitiful face:

He spend the ENTIRE day in bed on Saturday:

But he was rolling with the punches by Sunday.  24 hour bug one claimed one member of our family...thank The Lord!