Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Come to Mama!

A few days ago, Brad and I decided to break out the walker! Nolan loves being in it! Until today, he only knew how to go backwards. Kinda funny to watch because he would get this excited look on his face like he wanted to come to you, but he would go the opposite direction. Well, not anymore! Tonight after dinner, Nolan started moving forward. He was so proud of himself. I know I say it all the time these days, but he is just growing sooooo fast! Every week he is doing something new. Ohh, and don't make fun of the walker. Brad says it looks like it came from the Dollar Store. I actually got this one for a reason. For one, it collapses to fit under the bed or couch. Second, its light and not bulky. Third, it doesn't have all that crap on it. If I wanted him to sit in something and play, I would put him in is jumper! The walker is to make them WALK! :)

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