I was so happy that the photographer photo shopped out his baby acne...it was BAD!!! He also had scratches allllll over his face. I was beyond mad at the nursery when I went to get him that morning. I needed to get some sleep, so he stayed in there all night. They must have let him DIG at his face because when we picked him up he looked like he had been in a bar fight!
Now that Nolan is 6 months old he is:
~Rolling over from back to front and vise versa. No more leaving him alone in a room. He rolls anywhere he wants to be. We may have a roller, not a crawler :)
~Sitting up on his own...sorta. He can do about 30 seconds at a time, but he is getting better at it each day.
~Eating stage 2 foods. He is eating one jar in the morning and one veggie and half of a fruit in the evening. He began to boycott rice cereal and oatmeal, so I started to buy the jars of fruit with the grains mixed in and he seems to love that. Not sure what the difference is...all I can say is BRAT!
~Peeing out of his diaper at night. This is a fun one. Nothing like changing my clothes and Nolan's clothes at 3a.m.
~Yes I said my clothes. Nolan is still sleeping with me for most of the night. Starts out in his crib and then screams until I come and get him around 12. Yes, this is my fault....yada yada yada.
~Wearing 9 month everything! Unless it is Gymboree then it is 6-12 for those of you thinking about purchasing!
~He loves to be talked to. OMG this kid craves attention. He plays by himself when he wants to, but when he is done he will let you know!
~Still does not mind daycare. Really, I think he prefers it. He likes to look at everyone and observe. I visit everyday, and he could care less when I leave. In fact, when I come to love on him he will give me a big cuddle then look around for Kellye. As if he is saying " nice to see ya, but where is that other lady?"
~Still LOVES Eebee.
Today, as a half birthday gift, I gave Nolan some fruit! Real fruit. We have a neat little mesh thing that you put food in so that the baby can suck and chew on it with out getting choked. Genius! On today's menu : Pear and Banana
Excited about his new gadget!
I showed him what to do with it, and he took it out and smiled at it!
Getting the hang of it
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