Sunday, April 10, 2011

Eebee Love is Forever

 See that little boy?  He fell back in love tonight.  Eebee is Nolan's first love (besides his mommy).  If you read this blog or know my son, you know that he began a love affair with Eebee at a very early age...4 months to be exact.  He used to watch Eebee's Adventures daily.  That is until we discovered that our cable company stopped offering free episodes.  At that point, Yo Gabba Gabba took over. 
 A few nights ago, we turned on the TV and noticed that Eebee had returned!!  Nolan jumped up and grabbed his Eebee doll.  It has been a little while since he played with it as well.  He immediately returned to his old ways...eating the hair :) 
 While we were watching, Brad got the Eebee puppet and hid behind the couch.  He slowly raised it up and said Nolan's name.  My poor Boo flipped out.  He smiled for a split second ( curse my awful slow shutter speed camera...hint hint...a nikon for Christmas would be awesome!), and then lost it.  The same "lost it" as his last visit to Santa.  Instantly,  he was attached to me with a death grip. 
 His moment of fear did not last long.  The funny part was watching Nolan look at the puppet and the turn to look at the TV trying to figure out how Eebee could be in two places at once :) 
 As soon as Brad revealed himself, Nolan jumped up with excitement and laughter (once again my camera stinks.  Lighting and quality is awful...hint hint)
 Eebee love :)

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