Monday, July 11, 2011


What a perfect angel.  10 hour trip there and 10 hours back....he slept the whole time.  NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  About a week before our "open window", Elise and I decided that if we were going to make a trip to TX it had to be now.  It was a perfect time.  I had not one school commitment and Elise had a day off of work for the 4th so her "vacation days" would be to a minimum.  So, we did what any good daughters would do...we set out to surprise mom and give her a good old fashioned heart attack.  She was super excited and rather pleased about our visit.  While we were there we spent an enormous amount in the pool.  Nolan loved the shallow area, but could have done without the deep end.
Looks like fun, right? 
He went in the pool with a regular diaper, swim diaper, no diaper and clothed.......

Right as I took this pic, this kid walked right of that step and started sinking.  He got brave towards the end of our trip.
Nolan and Pat had tons of fun in the pool.  I guess 12 year old boys are more fun the mamas :)


While we were there, Nolan hit a mile stone.  He went down a size level in Lego blocks.  Grandma introduced him to the Duplo size and he has played with them every day since. 
As if going to Grandmas isn't like a mini vacation destination already, there is more.  With in walking distance, there is a cute little park.  At this park, there is a water play area...its free.  Can you believe it?

Another bonus about our 4 day stay was that 4th of July was thrown in there.  We went to the Botanical Gardens in Fort Worth to listen to the symphony and see some fireworks.  It was nice, but it was HOT. 
Boo did what he could to stay cool...eating ice from the cooler. 
Grandma trying her best to keep him busy so he would stop running away :)
And here are the BOOM BOOMS as Nolan calls them.  It was nice to here the symphony play Independance Day music while the sky was bright with color.  Every fireworks show has a finale.  Well, I think this finale went a little overboard.  Everything's bigger in TX is not always better :)  Look at this picture....
See what I mean.  This was the begining of the end.  Those bright white fireworks were sooooooooooo bright.  I turned my head to not look at them, and when I did I saw my family do this.......
There was a huge flash of light and then a LOUD BOOM, and I just so happend to have my camera ready :)

The actual day of the 4th we spent in the pool.  Garrett and Stephanie came over, we ate yummmo dinner, and then WAITED for it to get dark.  The silly state of TX takes forever for the sun to set ;)

We had such a great time!  Never know when we will strike again!  :)

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