Monday, December 30, 2013

Catch Up

Since it has been a hot minute since I have updated, I thought I would do a "catch up" post. Here it goes!
Nolan went to see Dr. Tabor! He was perfect at his first dentist visit :)

I turned 31 and James made me a happy birthday sign. This also marked the first time that I left baby James. Nolan and I headed to TX for Uncle Garrett's wedding weekend. It was fun and hectic so it was best that James stayed behind with daddy.

Batman and Robin had a fabulous Halloween! We had ourselves a wicked Halloween storm, but thankfully it ended in time for trick-or-treat!

We spent Thanksgiving at grandma's house! James was wonderful on his first plane ride there on the way back though it was a different story! Poor James got terribly sick while we were there and had to go to the urgent care.  Luckily, it was only silly infections.  You can imagine what a plane ride will do to an air infection :(

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