Monday, December 30, 2013

Christmas 2013

What is it about "babies first Christmas" that makes it a little more exciting? On Nolan's first Christmas he was a wee little thing...almost 4 months old. At almost 8 months, James was so much more aware of everything! He loved the tree so much that I had to put all of the ornaments at the top.  He thought the wrapped presents were awesome. So much so that he picked all the bows off of the ones he could reach from his walker :)  Our elf, Clyde, made the month of December especially fun! He hid all over the house, but I think Nolan's favorite spot to find him was in the tissue box (he pulled all the tissue out and threw them on the tree).  I snapped some pics with my phone, but most are on my camera. These few will have to do for now :)

The Texas crew arrived on Monday night just in time to look after James while we went to church. Unfortunately, James had another round of double ear infections :( 

We had fun in Pam's on Christmas Eve! Nolan was so excited that Santa was coming! 

In true Christmas morning fashion, I had to wake both boys up to see what Santa had brought! Don't you love your cute pajamas? Mommy and daddy tradition of new pajamas on Christmas Eve :) It seemed to be that Nolan's four-year-old Christmas was a Christmas full of superheroes. James loves his play door! 

Such a wonderful Christmas with two super sweet  boys! 

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