Sunday, March 27, 2011

Crumbs, Tears, and Dirt

Over my Spring Break, Nolan and I spent an abundance of time outside.  We were lucky enough to get temps in the 70's for the majority of the week.  On Saturday of that week, Brad and I spent about 6 hours in the yard.  Since Nolan can not babysit himself inside, he spend majority of that time outside with us.  He absolutely loved it.  He explored every part of our large fenced in back yard. 

 Do you love his attire?  That's how we roll on Saturday afternoon after nap time :)

 Take a look at that face!  Boys are supposed to be covered in dirt and mud, and my little boy has not problem with that!

 Here we are having a little snack picnic after spreading 14 bags of mulch.  He worked up a good appetite!

 For the life of me, I can not remember what spurred this sudden outbreak of emotion.  Look at those tears welling up in those beautiful eyes....

...and release.  Something broke his heart so much that he could not even finish eating his graham cracker :(

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