Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Do you remember this guy??? http://erinbradnolan.blogspot.com/2010/12/here-kitty-kitty.html  Well, he is back!  On Sunday afternoon, our little kitty friend came back for a visit.  The last time we saw him he had a hurt little paw.  Glad to report that it seems to have healed because he was jumping all over my deck :)  Nolan immediately freaked out.  He started running towards him and arrff arrfffing at him...not kidding.  He seems to be getting his animal sounds messed up.  Example...we went to the park on Saturday and saw some doggies.  He walked right up to them (two giant black labs) and said "brrroooommmm brrroooom" (the sound he makes for any moving vehicle). 

Here is boo and his friend.  I went inside and got a bowl of water to coax him on to the deck.  I made Nolan sit down next to me and the bowl, and the little kitty walked right up to us.  He went around the back of Nolan doing that "touch you while they walk" cat thing.  Boo LOVED it, and he squealed :) 
I would not let him off the deck.  He would have followed that cat up the street.  So, we looked from afar and practiced saying "here kitty kitty" :)

After boo tried to escape a few times, we moved to the kitchen and looked out the window :)  He is a kid who pushes his limits...he gets that from someone, but I don't know who ;)

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