Thursday, February 24, 2011


Couldn't decide which baby Nolan pic I loved more, so I put a few :) Today was a Booboo milestone. Here is a little back story. This week Mrs. Brandi decided that it was time to get rid of the sas. I am glad she started it because I am not sure when I would have. I give's my mama flaw. He has done GREAT! For the past three days, he has not had his sas from the time he wakes up until the time he goes down at night. Napping without his sas is a HUGE deal! We will see if he will do it for us this weekend. He tends to do things for his teachers that he won't do for us...imagine that :)

I have been really trying not to say the word sas in front of him. Out of sight/sound...out of mind!! So, when Mrs. Kellye gave him his diaper bag today, I used the word "thingy". I said, "don't give him that because his thingy is in there!" She looked at me like I was crazy. So, I spelled "S-A-S". Just then, it hit me! It was the first time I have had to spell a word out so that Boo did not know what I was saying. I love these moments. His firsts. Of course, they made fun of my giddiness and the likely hood of it making it on this here blog. :) Boo is doing new things every day making life fun, exhausting and OHHH SO WORTH IT :)

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