So oo funny how holidays are no longer about you and your spouse when you have a child. Even the day of love :) I spent quite a few man hours making a Valentine's Day mailbox for Nolan, and completely forgot about my man. On the big love day, I was less concerned about what Brad was going to do for me, and more concerned about making Nolan's day fun. So, when we got home from school and saw a big package at the door, I knew his day of love was going to get even better. Look what Grandma sent..............
Boo loves anything he can go in and out of, and a tent is perfect! This particular tent has an entrance that is a little shorter than he is, and he has not quite figured out the art of "ducking" :)

Here he is squatting down to talk to dad. Yes, his hair is in a pony tail...daycare teachers think they are funny :)

Looking like a GIANT BOOBOO!
When we had enough of the tent, we took a bath and decided to rip into his Monster box. I say "rip" in a sarcastic tone because that is what he did :)

See his cute little monster box. I didn't want his first Valentine's Day box to be a plain jane shoebox with stickers. So, I went to the mecca of crafts...Micheal's :)

Nolan with all of his loot.

Harper Jane's treat bag was a big hit

So, I let him open it. We found Rice Krispy Treats inside. As you can see, he was not a fan.

To much sugar????

Nothing warms my heart more than my two men having a good time. Who needs flowers, candy, and romantic dinners when you could have two of your favorite men, a goofy mom, and some kitchen floor fun? ;)
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