Seeing pictures of the white stuff Does not excite you...I know. At this point, it does not excite me either :) However, seeing my boo sled...for real...for the first time SHOULD EXCITE YOU :) Wednesday afternoon old man winter came back for a visit. This time he caused all kinds of issues. A VERY heavy snow fell right as rush hour began, and because it was SO VERY COLD outside it stuck immediatly. Nashville quickly turned into grid lock causing over 2,000 911 wreck related calls. Can you believe that??? After all the snow this season, Nashvillians still can not drive in the stuff. Poor Brad..I say that loosly because I told him to leave work sooner...was stuck in the grid lock for almost 4 hours :( So, needless to say he needed to have a little fun. The next morning when we woke up to 3 inches of snow I knew sledding would be on the menu. About a month back we bought some CHEAP $2 sleds from Target. Brad, Boo and I bundled up and headed outside.

Here is Nolan nice and toasty. I may have over done it with the layers, but you can never be too careful :)

His very first real sledding adventure down our not so very steep driveway. Needless to say they did not get very far.

So he tried it by himelf.........

but when you don't understand the concept of "holding on" slide right off :)

We got brave and walked up the street to the big hill on Kendall. Here are Brad and Nolan getting ready to do their thang.

Down they go :)

Once I saw Brad do it with out hurting himself or Nolan, I decided to give it a go. Next time, I will wear gloves.

Nolan and I started to walk home, but Brad wanted to sled one more time. Nolan was standing there calling "DA"!! "DA"!!

And then he started to get grumpy super quick.

He marched his liitle butt to the steps and said "Bye Ma" :)

When we got back inside we ate a little lunch, played a little computer and took a little...........

almost 4 hour nap. Wish we could go sledding a little more often :)
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