Have you ever been some where you thought would be so much fun, but quickly realized it was going to me a nightmare???? On Saturday, we went to a place called Peek-a-Boo Playtown. Cute concept. It is a "playtown" for toddlers to apparently 12 year olds. To say it is a pretend lovers paradise is an understatement with its fire hall, grocery store, library, and play houses. We went to have a playdate with Nolan's buddies Sav, JH, and Bailey. When we first arrived, the place had just opened. There were a few toddlers there wondering about, and Nolan was having fun roaming and playing with the toys. There is a GIANT slide in the center making it hard to see where he was from time to time, so I had to do a lot of following. Now if I were running this place, I would have certain times for certain ages...something to keep big kids away from little ones. Not too long after we got there a group of 10ish 5 year olds came in for a birthday party. All of the sudden, it was a mad house. Kids and adults everywhere. One minute I would see Nolan, and the next he was tucked behind a play structure out of my view. I was talking to my mommy friends when I realized I did not see Nolan's bright yellow shirt anymore...smart mommies dress kids in bright colors when going to a crowded place :) I started walking around and looking in the nooks and crannies and didn't see him. I did see a hallway near the bathroom, but I didn't think he would have ventured down there so I kept looking. Less than a minute later something came over me. Call it mommy intuition. I decided to go look down that hallway. It made a right angle that lead down another hallway. That is when my heart sank. At the end of the hallway was an outside door propped open with a piece of wood. I walked quickly towards it and looked out. There was my sweet boy 50 feet away walking down the sidewalk. I yelled his name, and he looked at me and laughed. I,however, looked at him and wanted to cry. I was so upset my hands were shaking and my voice was quivering. Who leaves a door propped open in a play land for TODDLERS that they can access????? I went straight to the desk and let them have it. To say I was MAD did not cover it. So, lesson learned. NEVER will I let Nolan out of my sight in a public place. The Playtown place is designed/set up to "secure the children". Whatever. We will not be going back to that place...especially on a Saturday morning. I did manage to get a few pics of Nolan and his friends..........

Nolan did NOT like the ball pit. I guess it reminded him of being in the leaves :)

Look at these kids. To think they were so young a year ago...or not even born...amazes me. Ohh how time flies right on by! Nolan wanted that orange soooo very bad. His favorite food right now is a Clementine and as far as he was concerned I was a mean mommy for not peeling it for him :)

Sweet little blue eyed Bailey. She loved that basketball more than anything. Lisa, you may have a tomboy on your hands!

I am going to have to buy Nolan some puzzles. He loved putting the pieces in and then dumping them out.

He even let Jack Henry play :)

Look at the Boo and his stylish outfit. He was sooooooooo hot. I had to take his shirt off because he was sweating. All that playtime can work up a good sweat.

This picture was funny. It is so much harder to get walking children to sit for a picture. I long for the days when we could sit them down and they didn't go anywhere............................

These days seem so far away. I would say they are about 6 months give or take in this pic. Bailey was at this play date as well...in her mama's belly :)
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