There are some Christmas gifts that reign supreme. It wasn't from mama or dada. Santa didn't bring it. Grandma. Grandma bought the gift that has kept Nolan occupied since he opened it. And get this. It cost a measly $15. Some of you out there spent hundreds of dollars on your children for Christmas. Should have bought them a Highlights tent :)

The tent

Nolan playing peek a boo in the tent

He loves looking at me through the mesh. For some reason, this rocks his socks off.

I found him the other day just sitting inside kickin' it without any toys...happy as could be.

And then, I saw this little guy. Nolan was playing with his ZuZu pet. He has two of them and loves to play "catch the hampster".

The Zuzu scurried out of the tent. Nolan went to get him, threw him inside, and crawled back in himself :)

Here he is trying to escape. If i didn't know any better, I would say this battery operated toy knew that a 1 year old was terrorizing him!

I said "yay" to get him to smile at me. In this house, "yay" is code for clapping :)
And just a little something to show you that my 32 year old husband is just as dorky/goofy as my 1 year old son. I came in the room to find Nolan wearing Eebee's pants and Eeebee wearing Nolan's pants.
haha So cute!