Saturday, January 22, 2011

Oldies, but Goodies :)

A few days ago, I thought I lost some of my most precious memories. The hard drive on my laptop crashed. I have saved all my memory cards for my camera for this very reason, but I have never backed up any of our flip videos. I was crushed thinking that these were gone. It is so hard to go back and remember small moments with Nolan. I can imagine it will be much harder in years to come. Brad took the computer to three different people who all said that odds of getting info off are slim, but they would try...for a large hourly fee. So, he brought it back home and did a little work himself. After taking things apart, putting them back together, and banging it around a little...nope, not kidding....the darn thing booted up. We both rushed to grab a memory stick to save our videos. Yesterday, I watched almost all of them...around 100 or so. I laughed, cried, hoohaaed for hours. Thank God we were able to retrieve them because I had forgotten almost all of these precious memories :)

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