Sunday, March 27, 2011

Silly Monkey

 Nolan and I went for a zoo visit over Spring Break.  Like I mentioned before, we had some great weather.  I chose this particular day to go because it was going to be a little the 60's :)  I thought that it would keep some of the zoo folks away.  I was wrong.  It was beyond crowded.  Nolan and I had a blast watching all of the crazy mamas with their even crazier children.  I swear, I saw more pregnant mothers with 3-4 children than I have ever seen before.  They all looked like death warmed over.  Better them than me :)  So, take a look at the following pictures and see if you notice anything.

 Anything?  Lack of animals, maybe?  When I got home and looked at our pics, I noticed that I took more pictures of Nolan than I did of the animals.  Ohh well.  He is the cutest little monkey you will ever see.  I did manage to get a few pics of the back of his head while he looked at some creepy crawlies :)

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