Monday, May 23, 2011

Still Here

Yes, I am alive.  I know that they only people that check this here blog are the ones who are MADLY in love with my boo.  Sorry for the lack of updates.  As I mentioned before, May is by far the craziest month of my life.  I will return soon...I promise.  I wanted to do a quick post about my lack of posts because I was sifting through my old postings and noticed that last year the month of May was short on updates as well :)  When I print this years blog, I want to remember that life was CRAZY hectic.  I am afraid I will look back in 10 years and must have had a slow cuteness month ;) 

P.S.  I pulled up my pics stored on my computer so that I could add a recent picture of Boo, but there are NONE on my computer.  Just more evidence that there has not been enough time to even snap a quick pic of my boo :(

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