Yes, Easter was almost two weeks ago. Yes, I am just now blogging. You can expect this lack of updating to last until the end of May :) Easter was so much fun this year. Nolan still does not know what the Easter bunny is, but he is LOVING the toys he brings!
Here is Nolan and his best friend, Baxter. These two boys are peas in a pod. They love each other to pieces and fight like cats and dogs :)
I so wish I could have been there for his school Easter egg hunt :( Luckily, he has AWESOME teachers that took pictures for me :)
These eggs were hard to find ;)
You snooze you loose booboo! Baxter went in for the kill!
"Please open this"
"No..okay...I'll do it myself"
And he shoves it in so no one else can eat it :)
A little loving and a little ear's what these boys are known for!
Cuteness on the playground. Thank you so much ladies for taking these pictures for me!!!!
Easter morning was as cute as could be! Nolan does not know who the Easter bunny fact, I have never taken him to see the Easter bunny. However, he does love the presents that he brings :) When I was a kid, I remember the bunny hiding our baskets through out the house. I want to do this with Nolan, but at this age he doesn't know what to be looking for :) So, I pulled a Hansel and Gretel and left a trail of Easter eggs for him. At the end he found this............
And this was how excited he was...................
Funny or what??? Once he woke up a little he started to have fun looking at his stuff. He loved the golf clubs so much that I had to MAKE him look at what was in his basket.

After we were finished with our basket shindigs we went to church. Here is a picture of my handsome man. Ohhh, I could just eat his face right off!!!
After church we did the family thing. We went to Aunt Pam's, and then to the Gibbons family function at the park. Nolan played his little heart out, and went the entire day without a nap. The following pictures show his up and down emotions due to pure EXHAUSTION :)

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