Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Start of Summer!!

 You know the start of Summer is here when you see this guy drive down your street..........

Nolan and I were outside playing when I heard the familiar tune from a few streets away.  I immediately ran into the house to grab my camera and a dollar.  Brad had strict orders to NOT let that truck pass our house :)
 When I got back out, Brad had the Popsicle man stopped outside of our house.  He noticed that I brought the camera and proceeded to make fun of me.  Has he not noticed that I have taken a picture of practically everything Nolan does for the past two years?  Men! 
 I carried Boo to the side of the van to see what our options were.  I was please to know that all the same treats from when I was a kid were still there.  :)  As soon as I saw the Bugs Bunny Ice Cream bar I knew that was the treat for Nolan....classic Popsicle man.

 While the treat options were the same, the PRICES WERE NOT.  That silly little Bugs Bunny was $2.75 and poor Boo only had a dollar :(  So, we settled on a Jr. Bomb Pop. 

Nolan is going to be just like his mommy.  He could have done without the Popsicle.  Once it started to melt he was done.  So, daddy ate it :) 

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