Sunday, March 28, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
Mama's Little Cowboy
Wowzers! It seems as though Nolan is doing new things everyday. In the past few weeks, he has learned to sit up and play. No help from mama needed. Tonight, he sat in the kitchen floor while I made dinner. Cute thang in only his diaper and that big smile of his. His personality is really shining through, and I hope it sticks. He is soooooooo happy. Smiles on a drop of a hat, loves people...watching them and talking to them, studies everything and everyone, knows what he wants and will work forever to try to get it...I could go on and on.

I have mixed emotions when he does something new. On one hand, I want to shut him up in a little box and not let him out. I love this age....gummy smile and all. On the other hand, I want to watch him grow and develop. I can't wait to hear mama and dada. I can't wait to see his first tooth pop through. I can't wait to see him take his first step. Once again, I could go on and on.

Time is moving whether it be fast or's moving. I try to enjoy every minute of being a is ever changing!
I have mixed emotions when he does something new. On one hand, I want to shut him up in a little box and not let him out. I love this age....gummy smile and all. On the other hand, I want to watch him grow and develop. I can't wait to hear mama and dada. I can't wait to see his first tooth pop through. I can't wait to see him take his first step. Once again, I could go on and on.
Time is moving whether it be fast or's moving. I try to enjoy every minute of being a is ever changing!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Playin' Hard
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Monday, March 15, 2010
Forget Toys R Us
Nolan's favorite toys come from places like Best father like son! Here is our sweet munchkin on his 7 month birthday. Isn't he a doll??? I tell you the past few days, Nolan has really shown his preference for remotes, cell phones, lap tops, car get the picture. Forget all those bright colored, stimulating toys. He prefers anything that is NOT a toy. Kids!!!

Sweet cheeks and his remote. He will fight and fight to get to this thing. Loves it!

And this is what he does with it ;)
***On a side note, this pic was taken the day after the pictures from the previous post. Don't you think he looks better? Thank God for antibiotics and health would have cost $94.99 without coverage.
Sweet cheeks and his remote. He will fight and fight to get to this thing. Loves it!
And this is what he does with it ;)
***On a side note, this pic was taken the day after the pictures from the previous post. Don't you think he looks better? Thank God for antibiotics and health would have cost $94.99 without coverage.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
7 Months and Falling Apart
Ohh, Nolan! Why can't you get better and stay that way??? Our big man will be 7 months old tomorrow, and he's doin' it in style! Friday, Nolan started to get a snotty nose and some goop in his right eye. I knew what we were headed for. You see, my kid can't get snotty without getting asthma symptoms and an ear infection. Don't know why...genetics I guess. Saturday was a doozie. Nolan was just pitiful. He has had some rough illnesses (bronchiolitis...twice), but he has never acted as miserable as he did Saturday. Crying, sleeping, crying, get the picture. He ran a slight fever and coughed his head off. Snot was flowing and goop was oozing. Saturday night Brad stayed up with him so that I could get some sleep. Poor guy didn't know what he was in for. Rough night to say the least. Sunday morning he woke up in a much happier mood. We got a smile for the first time in 24 hours...woohoo! Still not feeling well and eyes still goopy, I decide to take him to the doctor. I love a doctor's office with Sunday hours! I thought he may have pink eye because of the goop. He had never had that before with any cold. The doctor on call determined that he had an ear infection. What?!?!?!?!? This kid has tell tell signs when he as an ear infection...won't eat and shakes his head back and forth. I was shocked when she made her diagnosis. Right ear instead of left to boot (all three previous ear infections have been left). Ohh my poor sweet boy. We love you, but we are just about done with the every other weekend sickness you tend to bring home!
On a lighter note, I would like to share our "routine" as it becoming more normal these days. Tonight before bed, Nolan had: Suction of his nose and cleaning of goop from his eyes (both require daddy to hold him down), Aquaphore and cortisone cream for his eczema, a dose of tylenol, a dose of antibiotic, two puffs of flovent, two puffs of abuterol, and a prayer from mommy to close the hole in his heart. I think his new nickname should be lucky...don't you? ;)
Thought I would throw in some pics of tonight's dinner with our precious 7 month old........

Sweet potatoes with apples are a big hit around here. I tried to give him some baby yogurt tonight. He was on an antibiotic a few weeks ago for a left ear infection, so I was trying to replace the bacteria that was killed off. We don't need a yeast infection...we have enough to worry about! Nolan hated it...I mean HATE with a capitol H!

Here is a close up. If you enlarge the pic, I think you might be able to see some eye goop. Doesn't he look like he feels GREAT? ;)
On a lighter note, I would like to share our "routine" as it becoming more normal these days. Tonight before bed, Nolan had: Suction of his nose and cleaning of goop from his eyes (both require daddy to hold him down), Aquaphore and cortisone cream for his eczema, a dose of tylenol, a dose of antibiotic, two puffs of flovent, two puffs of abuterol, and a prayer from mommy to close the hole in his heart. I think his new nickname should be lucky...don't you? ;)
Thought I would throw in some pics of tonight's dinner with our precious 7 month old........
Sweet potatoes with apples are a big hit around here. I tried to give him some baby yogurt tonight. He was on an antibiotic a few weeks ago for a left ear infection, so I was trying to replace the bacteria that was killed off. We don't need a yeast infection...we have enough to worry about! Nolan hated it...I mean HATE with a capitol H!
Here is a close up. If you enlarge the pic, I think you might be able to see some eye goop. Doesn't he look like he feels GREAT? ;)
Sunday, March 7, 2010
What a "Friendly" Weekend!
As you already read, we had a great play date on Saturday morning. I am so happy to have reconnected with some ladies from high school, and am even more happy that I have maintained friendships from high school over these years as well.
We had another special visitor this weekend. My bestie, Leeah, came to see us. More than coming to see us, she came to babysit my wee little one. What a sweet gesture from a sweet friend. Brad and I went on our first date since Nolan was born...technically our first date was when he was two weeks old and my mom came to visit. We were so tired and overwhelmed with our new baby that I am not sure I would call that a date. Here are a few pics of our weekend.

Nolan had his first ride in a buggy (you people that are not from the south may call it a cart, but around here it's a buggy). We recently transitioned to a big boy car seat, and since then it has been hard to take him places. Call me a germaphobe, but buggies gross me out. Leeah brought Pete's old cover and saved the day!

I was slightly nervous about leaving him. Not so much nervous that she couldn't take care of him. Leeah and I worked in a daycare together in college, she is a mama, and she works in a daycare now...she is more than qualified. I was more nervous that Nolan would be nervous. He has had one person other than his parents watch him at night, so I was scared that he would be confused. Silly, I know!

We had lots of fun on our date. We ate a Cantina Laredo, and went downtown and popped in Legends to listen to some music. We did not talk about one thing baby, and the conversation flowed smoothly. Thanks Leeah! We needed that!

The four of us went for some lunch and to the park on Sunday. What a beautiful day! Leeah and I could use some sun. Pete in the background trying to be "cool"!
We had another special visitor this weekend. My bestie, Leeah, came to see us. More than coming to see us, she came to babysit my wee little one. What a sweet gesture from a sweet friend. Brad and I went on our first date since Nolan was born...technically our first date was when he was two weeks old and my mom came to visit. We were so tired and overwhelmed with our new baby that I am not sure I would call that a date. Here are a few pics of our weekend.
Nolan had his first ride in a buggy (you people that are not from the south may call it a cart, but around here it's a buggy). We recently transitioned to a big boy car seat, and since then it has been hard to take him places. Call me a germaphobe, but buggies gross me out. Leeah brought Pete's old cover and saved the day!
I was slightly nervous about leaving him. Not so much nervous that she couldn't take care of him. Leeah and I worked in a daycare together in college, she is a mama, and she works in a daycare now...she is more than qualified. I was more nervous that Nolan would be nervous. He has had one person other than his parents watch him at night, so I was scared that he would be confused. Silly, I know!
We had lots of fun on our date. We ate a Cantina Laredo, and went downtown and popped in Legends to listen to some music. We did not talk about one thing baby, and the conversation flowed smoothly. Thanks Leeah! We needed that!
The four of us went for some lunch and to the park on Sunday. What a beautiful day! Leeah and I could use some sun. Pete in the background trying to be "cool"!
Babies, Babies, Babies
This weekend we had a great play date with some great friends. I'll start by introducing the bunch............

Baby Johnson. Mommy: Lisa
Baby Johnson is due to arrive on April 21st. Lisa is 34 weeks pregnant in this picture. Can you believe it? I was a house at this point...those tall girls have all the luck!

Nolan. Mommy: Me
Nolan had a great time playing with his friends. He was by far the most vocal baby. Let's hope this is not the trend as he gets older :)

Jack Henry. Mommy: Lauren
Jack Henry is the oldest of the group. He started out as a weee little guy, but has gained some ground since the last time we saw him. Look at those beautiful blues!

Savannah. Mommy: Stacy
Savannah is the youngest of the group, but has everyone beat in the hair department.

Here is a picture of Nolan and Jack Henry. Are these not the cutest boys you have ever seen? Jack Henry is almost a month older than Nolan.

WOWZERS....Never really tried to take a picture of a bunch of 6 month + aged babies. No one really looks at the camera at the same time. This picture does a good job of summing up the day. Jack Henry needed a little nap and was a tiny bit fussy. Lauren didn't bring a passy (glad to see I am not the only forgetful mommy out there) and had to borrow one from Stacy. Savannah was so funny. She could care less that the babies were there. She played with her toys the entire time. Kids? What kids?? Have you seen these cool toys? Nolan was so mellow. He watched everyone, played with the toys, ate, and took a nap.
Baby Johnson. Mommy: Lisa
Baby Johnson is due to arrive on April 21st. Lisa is 34 weeks pregnant in this picture. Can you believe it? I was a house at this point...those tall girls have all the luck!
Nolan. Mommy: Me
Nolan had a great time playing with his friends. He was by far the most vocal baby. Let's hope this is not the trend as he gets older :)
Jack Henry. Mommy: Lauren
Jack Henry is the oldest of the group. He started out as a weee little guy, but has gained some ground since the last time we saw him. Look at those beautiful blues!
Savannah. Mommy: Stacy
Savannah is the youngest of the group, but has everyone beat in the hair department.
Here is a picture of Nolan and Jack Henry. Are these not the cutest boys you have ever seen? Jack Henry is almost a month older than Nolan.
WOWZERS....Never really tried to take a picture of a bunch of 6 month + aged babies. No one really looks at the camera at the same time. This picture does a good job of summing up the day. Jack Henry needed a little nap and was a tiny bit fussy. Lauren didn't bring a passy (glad to see I am not the only forgetful mommy out there) and had to borrow one from Stacy. Savannah was so funny. She could care less that the babies were there. She played with her toys the entire time. Kids? What kids?? Have you seen these cool toys? Nolan was so mellow. He watched everyone, played with the toys, ate, and took a nap.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Life as I know it is over.....
I left him alone for all of 1 minute. Ran down stairs to put a load of laundry in the washer, and came back to find him hanging out underneath the TV. When I left him, he was a good 8 or 9 feet away from the TV stand.
Here he is mid-roll. You would think that would hurt his head!
Nope! Not one bit! Another interesting story for you...Now that Nolan is in a walker, he is just as much trouble! A few days ago, I put him in his walker and blocked off the stairs. What could he get into right??? I went into the bedroom to fold some clothes, and popped my head out the door to check on him. I found him eating a DVD. He had walked over to the TV stand and grabbed a DVD off the shelf. Ohhh these are the days!
Spitter! starts early! I always thought I would be the mother of a prim and proper little girl. I am starting to see, even at his young age, that Nolan is going to be anything but prim and proper!
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