Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Life as I know it is over.....

I left him alone for all of 1 minute. Ran down stairs to put a load of laundry in the washer, and came back to find him hanging out underneath the TV. When I left him, he was a good 8 or 9 feet away from the TV stand.

Here he is mid-roll. You would think that would hurt his head!

Nope! Not one bit! Another interesting story for you...Now that Nolan is in a walker, he is just as much trouble! A few days ago, I put him in his walker and blocked off the stairs. What could he get into right??? I went into the bedroom to fold some clothes, and popped my head out the door to check on him. I found him eating a DVD. He had walked over to the TV stand and grabbed a DVD off the shelf. Ohhh these are the days!

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