Sunday, March 7, 2010

What a "Friendly" Weekend!

As you already read, we had a great play date on Saturday morning. I am so happy to have reconnected with some ladies from high school, and am even more happy that I have maintained friendships from high school over these years as well.

We had another special visitor this weekend. My bestie, Leeah, came to see us. More than coming to see us, she came to babysit my wee little one. What a sweet gesture from a sweet friend. Brad and I went on our first date since Nolan was born...technically our first date was when he was two weeks old and my mom came to visit. We were so tired and overwhelmed with our new baby that I am not sure I would call that a date. Here are a few pics of our weekend.

Nolan had his first ride in a buggy (you people that are not from the south may call it a cart, but around here it's a buggy). We recently transitioned to a big boy car seat, and since then it has been hard to take him places. Call me a germaphobe, but buggies gross me out. Leeah brought Pete's old cover and saved the day!

I was slightly nervous about leaving him. Not so much nervous that she couldn't take care of him. Leeah and I worked in a daycare together in college, she is a mama, and she works in a daycare now...she is more than qualified. I was more nervous that Nolan would be nervous. He has had one person other than his parents watch him at night, so I was scared that he would be confused. Silly, I know!

We had lots of fun on our date. We ate a Cantina Laredo, and went downtown and popped in Legends to listen to some music. We did not talk about one thing baby, and the conversation flowed smoothly. Thanks Leeah! We needed that!

The four of us went for some lunch and to the park on Sunday. What a beautiful day! Leeah and I could use some sun. Pete in the background trying to be "cool"!

Today was a first. Two for one, if you will. Nolan wore a jacket for the first time today...does he not look cute??? He also sat up in is stroller today. Before, he would lie in there like a dead fish. My boy is growing up!

On a side note that is completely unrelated...look at this kid hold his bottle! Before I know it, he will be holding his own spoon :(

1 comment:

  1. i agree about the buggy at the store...i still use emory's cover!!
