Ohh, Nolan! Why can't you get better and stay that way??? Our big man will be 7 months old tomorrow, and he's doin' it in style! Friday, Nolan started to get a snotty nose and some goop in his right eye. I knew what we were headed for. You see, my kid can't get snotty without getting asthma symptoms and an ear infection. Don't know why...genetics I guess. Saturday was a doozie. Nolan was just pitiful. He has had some rough illnesses (bronchiolitis...twice), but he has never acted as miserable as he did Saturday. Crying, sleeping, crying, sleeping...you get the picture. He ran a slight fever and coughed his head off. Snot was flowing and goop was oozing. Saturday night Brad stayed up with him so that I could get some sleep. Poor guy didn't know what he was in for. Rough night to say the least. Sunday morning he woke up in a much happier mood. We got a smile for the first time in 24 hours...woohoo! Still not feeling well and eyes still goopy, I decide to take him to the doctor. I love a doctor's office with Sunday hours! I thought he may have pink eye because of the goop. He had never had that before with any cold. The doctor on call determined that he had an ear infection. What?!?!?!?!? This kid has tell tell signs when he as an ear infection...won't eat and shakes his head back and forth. I was shocked when she made her diagnosis. Right ear instead of left to boot (all three previous ear infections have been left). Ohh my poor sweet boy. We love you, but we are just about done with the every other weekend sickness you tend to bring home!
On a lighter note, I would like to share our "routine" as it becoming more normal these days. Tonight before bed, Nolan had: Suction of his nose and cleaning of goop from his eyes (both require daddy to hold him down), Aquaphore and cortisone cream for his eczema, a dose of tylenol, a dose of antibiotic, two puffs of flovent, two puffs of abuterol, and a prayer from mommy to close the hole in his heart. I think his new nickname should be lucky...don't you? ;)
Thought I would throw in some pics of tonight's dinner with our precious 7 month old........

Sweet potatoes with apples are a big hit around here. I tried to give him some baby yogurt tonight. He was on an antibiotic a few weeks ago for a left ear infection, so I was trying to replace the bacteria that was killed off. We don't need a yeast infection...we have enough to worry about! Nolan hated it...I mean HATE with a capitol H!

Here is a close up. If you enlarge the pic, I think you might be able to see some eye goop. Doesn't he look like he feels GREAT? ;)
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