Thursday, December 23, 2010

Nolan + Christmas = FUN!

So far, this Christmas has been one big ball of fun. Last year, it was exciting because it was Nolan's first Christmas, but let's face it...he had no idea what was going on. Now, he is interested in EVERYTHING. Our tree, for instance, has become a marvelous wonder :) Look who I found hiding behind it.

Yes, we have ornaments...on the top :)

Caught ya!

This year we made a gingerbread house. I had visions of Nolan placing the candy pieces on the icing. You the kids in the picture on the box. HA! Brad and I ended up building it, and we let Nolan do what he does best....tear it down :)

Finally, to top off our Christmas season of fun we had a wonderful snowfall. Our area usually does not get snow until after the new year, and usually not a lot. This December we got 4 inches at our house...plenty of snow for Nolan to run around in. Unfortunately, it was about 20 degrees outside, so we could not stay out for long.

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