Sunday, December 12, 2010

Snip Snip

I am not one of those mothers who was scared or nervous about the thought of cutting her first child's hair. Hair is hair right?? Some people I know let their little boys turn into little girls because they just could not fathom the thought of cutting those locks. I guess I never really thought about Nolan's hair because...well...he never really had any. Here is a picture of the first day of school in August.

Click the picture and make it larger. See what I mean. He was bald at birth and pretty much stayed that way until his first birthday which is when this picture was taken. At that point, his body decided it was time to start growing some hair. For the past three months, Nolan's head has become a Chia Pet :) I didn't mind...not until a few weeks ago. I was running my fingers through his hair as I was rocking him one evening, and noticed that I could put the back of his hair in a pony tail. A co-worker and fellow daycare mama mentioned that she knew how to cut hair, so I thought "why not" is hair right? :)

Here is a "before" shot.

And here he is nasty face and all telling me that he likes his rat tail and to BACK OFF :)

This is the point when his hair was not just hair anymore. As soon as that first snip happened, I felt a little lump in my throat. I could not believe that my little hairless boy was getting his first hair cut.

Snip Snip again. This time it was much more bearable :)

I was so proud of my booboo. He sat the entire time and did not scream.

Could you not eat that face off??

Here he is with this 12 year old hair cut and his iPhone. A glimpse into my future :)

Miss Harper Jane just hung out and watched her mama cut some hair.

The next day he was allll smiles and told me he loved his new hairdo.

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