I love Christmas. Christmas carols, lights, trees, the spirit of giving. Funny how once you have a child holidays become more about them and less about you! Santa will be visiting Nolan this year. He is not getting anything major, but he is getting some fun stuff!
I am so excited to start our own Christmas family traditions. I have such fond memories of Christmas, and I want my children to have the same thing. Here are a few things we plan on making tradition:
~going to look at Christmas lights the week of Christmas...get ya in the spirit!
~going to Christmas Eve service at church. We attend Cross Point Community Church in Nashville. Brad and I have never felt more connected to Christ...He is the reason for the season!
~hide the pickle in the tree. This is a German custom and I love it! As children, we use to hid these little stuffed mice from McDonald's Happy Meals in our tree. Wonder whatever happened to those??????
~Christmas PJ's. Every Christmas Eve we are going to let the kids open one gift. This gift will always be special pajamas to wear the night before Christmas (freshly washed of course)
~Gift from mama and daddy. I think that instilling the love of reading is sooooo very important. Children learn at a very young age to either love or hate reading. If you as the parent take a positive stance, your child will follow. Our gift to our children each Christmas will be a book! You think this might be boring, but you have never heard me read aloud! :)
This Christmas Eve we went to my Aunt Pam's house after church. We were able to visit with my lovely family...wish we could visit more often!

Nolan's Great Great Aunt and Uncle....Ronnie and Judy. Uncle Ronnie just would not put Nolan down. Apparently he used to hog me when I was little too!

Nolan's Great Grandmommy (she babysat the other day while I ran an errand...you would have thought I gave her the gift of gold!)

Mama, Daddy and Nolan

Nolan's Great Aunt Pam gave Nolan a stuffed reindeer and a Glow Worm!

My sweet second cousins, Scott and Kelly, bought Nolan a gift. They were out of town this year, so we opened their present when we got home.

Nolan got a Scout! I think Brad and I are going to have more fun with this thing than Nolan will!!!!! :) Hope he shares!

Christmas Eve bath...silly baby!

Love his little face!

Mama and Nolan in our Christmas jammies. Yes, do not hate. I have on pink Santa with sunglasses on pajamas. I have worn these every year since the 5th grade or something. They might fit a little tight, but that's alright!

Reindeer feet and..........

Reindeer butt!!!!!!!!!
Aunt Pam gave Nolan this key. It is a special key for folks who do not have a chimney for Santa. You set it outside under your doormat so that Santa may enter your house! Clever!

Nolan's Santa loot!!! Super excited for him to wake up in the morning!!!!