Friday, December 18, 2009


Last week we took Nolan to see Santa Claus. We went a few times actually! Saturday was the planned day to go. Unfortunately, everyone in the Green Hills area decided to go to the mall at the exact time we did. Drove around for a half hour to find a parking spot and drove right back home. Sunday was much less crowded...only about 20 kids in line before us :)

45 minutes later...WE SAW SANTA!!!!!!

Picture turned out dark. Brad had turned off the flash :) We danced around like crazy people to try to make this kid smile. Usually, it is soooo easy. He is such a happy baby. On this day, however, he was having no part in it.

Finally got the flash working, but the picture is a little blurry! Ohh well, we have the professional ones that we paid and arm and a leg for. Someone is for sure making some money this holiday season!

Waiting in line with daddy. His reindeer bib was soaked by the time we left. Teething much????

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