Wednesday, December 16, 2009

4 Months Old

Nolan Davis Smith is now 4 months old! Can you believe it??? Seems like just yesterday we were here.............
He doesn't even look like the same baby...definitely put on a few pounds :) He notices me now...something I love. If he hears my voice, he will search for me in the room...lock eyes on me...and just stare. He LOVES to be talked to, and will talk back in his sweet little baby voice. HE LAUGHS OUT LOUD. The funniest sound in the world. His face lights up and he oozies happiness! Tonight he laughed out loud at his mama for the first time. Usually he will give me a BIG open mouth grin, but tonight I got some sound! Daddy was a little jealous...making the baby laugh is his thing...NOT ANYMORE :)
Nolan is officially in 6 month clothing...chunker. He also got his first cold. Sad, sick little baby. I think I was more upset than he was about it ;) Bath time is still a big hit. LOVES, LOVES, LOVES it!!!! Currently we are at war with a case of far, the eczema is winning...aagghh!!!
We just love our little Not quite the right word. Not sure I can put it into words. If you are a mama, you understand. He is the BEST thing to happen to us!!!!

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