Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Nolan's favorite Christmas gifts: Grandma Lovin' and Eebee!

Wow! Have we had a big Christmas! Nolan is so blessed to have so many people who love him. Sadly, a chunk of those people live in the land of far far away....TEXAS. We had a wonderful visit with Grandma, Papa, Auntie Elise and Uncle Patrick. Nolan was loved on more than ever, and was a ham as usual.

Grandma got Nolan his favorite gift of all: Eebee. At 4 months old, he has a love affair with this crazy TV character. When Eebee's Adventures come on television, Nolan is in awe. He smiles and flirts with Eebee...he even throws a fit when I turn it off.

Here is Nolan and his favorite pal, Eebee...I know he does not look one bit of exited here. I think he was overwhelmed!

Sorry Grandma, your head got cut off :)

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