Friday, December 18, 2009

Sick Baby

My sweet smiley baby is not feeling well. Nolan has a bad cold. Chest congestion, snotty nose, sneezing, slight temp. He has been acting pitiful for a few days now. Breaks my heart. Luckily, we are on Christmas break...he is going to have some cuddle time with mama for the next few days.

Looking like he really does not feel well. This boy wears his emotions allllllll over his face.

This picture just tears my heart up. You can tell he is not feeling well. (thanks Grandma for the warm jammies)

EVERYTHING is in his mouth these days...possibly the reason for his cold. He needs to learn how to wash those hands ;) I think he is teething. Drool for days and chewing on his hands...aren't those the signs?

On a side note, we went to the doctor yesterday just to make sure our cold isn't something worse. Nolan weighed in at a whopping 18.3 pounds! He is such a big baby. Not just "fat"...he is LONG as well. After talking to my room mom today at our Christmas party, I don't feel as worried about it. She said that her oldest son wight that exact amount at 4 months as well. He was in my science class two years ago and is a very normal looking kid! Not a Goliath! HAHA!

See those feet? Nolan loves them! He uses them to help grab the toys on his baby gym. Guess the chunky monkey title is appropriate! ;)

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