I love this age. Of course, I think I have said that once a month for almost a year :) Nolan's little BIG personality is really beginning to shine through. He is so much like me it is scary. Hard headed, stubborn, and determined. He knows what he wants and THINKS he knows how to get it done. Example: The fire place is a thing of enchantment. Nolan wants so badly to be able to crawl up onto it and grab as many of those pebble thingys that are inside. We battle this numerous times a day. When he thinks I'm not looking...off he goes. I grab him, pop his little hand (not spank...you can yell at me for that later), and tell him that we don't go near the fireplace. I take him and put him near all of his toys. Two seconds later...off he goes. You get the picture. The blinds in the house are also a thing of beauty. I have to keep them pulled up about a foot so that he won't destroy them. Looks ridiculous from the street.
While he gets these lovely qualities from me, he gets some other great ones from Brad. Daddy is an observer. In new places and situations, Brad takes a step back to see whats going on and take it all in. We are people watchin' fools and Nolan is going to fit right in. He LOVES to watch everything. Cars, people, animals, the man pushing all the carts in a Kroger. He is an observer...just like daddy. He is also a funny little kid. Something else he gets from daddy...maybe a little mama too. Daddy is a goof. After 10 years, he made me a goof. And we have passed that on to our guy :) Just like his daddy, once he gets comfortable he is the life of the party!
Here are some things that have been going on with Nolan:
~won't eat fruit. When we first started eating table food, Nolan loved bananas, blueberries, grapes, baked apples. Now, he won't touch them. I think it's the texture....something he gets from mama :)
~Is in between sizes. This is something that is driving me nuts. Nolan has a long torso....something he and his Aunt Elise have in common. He can not wear 12 month rompers. The just are not long enough, but fit everywhere else. Try 18 months you say??? Nope....SWALLOW him. They are about 2 inches too long and he looks silly. What is this mama to do??
~LOVES HIS DADDY!!! Poor thing. He crawls around the house saying "DA, DIDI, DADDY". I thought boys were suppose to be in love with their mama???
~Sleeps in his own crib for almost 12 hours!!! Enough said :)
~Takes only one nap a day for about 3 hours.
~Loves a laptop and Skyping with the TX folks.
~Still loves Eeebee, but has branched out a little to Yo Gabba Gabba
Here are some pictures of Brad and Nolan doing what they do best...being goofy with one another :)