Friday, July 30, 2010

Doesn't every child have these??????

This post was a must. Some folks out there might be freaked out by the beer drinkin' nakie baby, but I think they are standard. My favorite pics of my brothers, sister and I are ones like these. Since this is basically my version of a photo album, THESE HAD TO BE INCLUDED:)

I am not a bad mother. There is ZERO beer in the bottle. I even washed it before I let him have it. He did not crawl around with it, stand with it, or move with it. He took a picture with it...thats it!!! :)

And then there is the nakie baby booty. Not sure what the protocol is for nakie baby pics on the Internet, but there is nothing showing except for the cutest little baby bubble butt you have ever seen! :)

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