Sunday, August 22, 2010


Over the past 21 months of your existence, I have had so many different reasons why I love you.

When you were growing in my belly, I loved you. Not the love I feel today, but it was love. I think I loved the idea of you. I fell in love with the thought of holding you, feeding you, bathing you...just you.

When you were finally here, I loved you. I loved that you were mine. I loved that you were okay. I loved the way you made me feel just by being here. I didn't really know you yet, but I loved you just the same. (And yes, mommy wore the same outfit home that she wore to the hospital to have you)

After you were here for a few weeks, I loved you. I loved your smell. That sweet baby smell. I loved the way you fell asleep in my arms. You would stare at me until your eyes finally got sleepy enough to close. Then, you would open them just to make sure I was still here. And I was because I loved you. I loved our time in the middle of the night when no one else was awake. Those were our special moments. I loved the way your fingers wrapped tightly around mine. You were everything I dreamed of...ohhh how I loved you.

Now that you are full of personality, spunk, and joy, I love you. I love how you smile at your daddy and I as if we are the light of your life. I love how you rub my arm back and forth while you sit in my lap. I love how you share your paci with me. I know that means you love me, too. I love how when we rock before bed you wrap your arm around my back. The tiny hand rubbing me melts my heart. I love how I find you in your room reading a book like you are 8 years old. I love how you move your paci up and down when you are asleep. You look like a baby rabbit. I love the look on your face when you see me walk in your daycare room. I love how much you love your daddy. I love the fact that thinking of your makes me cry tears of happiness. I have never known a love like the one you have given me. I can not wait to find more reasons as to why I love you :)

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