Sunday, August 15, 2010

Where has the year gone????

It seems like one minute I was here..........

(thanks to who ever took a picture of me once my epidural wore off...lovely)
And the next minute I was here.........
Today is Nolan's very first birthday! This past year has been the best year of my life. Who cares that I have not slept, or had 5 minutes to myself. I have not spent more than two hours with my husband without our child. I don't shop for myself...I shop for my boo. I go to bed late, so that he has clean bottles and clothes for the next day. I never let his clothes wrinkle in the dryer like I do my own. I have cooked more fresh veggies in the past few months than I have in my entire adult life. When I am working, I wake up a full 30 minutes earlier so that I can have time with Nolan in the morning and we are not crazy hectic getting out the door. All this for my pickle lovin' sweetcake who I could not imagine my life with out! Happy Birthday!! Mama and daddy love you!

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