Well, he is still big! Nolan went to the doctor today to get his 4 month old shots...even though he is less than two weeks away from being 5 months :) He did wonderfully! We got the go ahead to start solids (actually started last week) and received some help with controlling his eczema. Dr. Ladd straight told me my kid was spoiled when it comes to the whole not sleeping in his crib thing. He did not tell me anything I didn't already know! Some might have been offended by a blunt comment like that, but I figure if you can dish it you gotta take it! :)
Nolan is 18 pounds 14.5 ounces (95%) and 26 1/2 inches long (85 %)

Two shots on this leg

Two shots on this leg

And a sticker for being so good!

Shots did not keep him from watching Eebee

And they did not keep him from being a goober!

They must have tuckered him out to be able to sleep like this!
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