Friday, January 8, 2010

First Veggie: Peas

Nolan's first veggie went like I had anticipated. Let's just say he is not going to become a member of the "I LIKE PEAS" fan club :) I'll let the pictures do the talkin'!

This look is priceless! He is saying, "DO NOT PUT THAT IN MY MOUTH"!

I did anyway. Not exactly a yummmm face.

And then there is this one. I thought mixing it with some cereal would make it better. I guessed wrong :)

He could barely swallow. He gagged and make this awful face. He is a bit dramatic. Runs in the family.

So, after three bites we gave up. We will try again today. But for now....bananas are still a big hit! He will open his mouth and move his head toward the spoon :)

And again!

You gotta be quick or he will grab the spoon from you and do it himself :) Gets that from his mother!

Peas? What Peas?

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