Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Ahhhh, Technology....

Pony Express...no thank you. I will take Skype any day. I know we are a little behind, but we have recently entered the world of video calling! And it is FREE..woop woop!! What a great way to stay in touch. No more sending emails, video and pictures. Now, we just it the "call button" and there they are...my two favorite ladies................

How cool!!! I can talk to my family in real time and see their faces! Warms my heart. I have lived apart from my family for almost 10 years, and this is by far the most amazing way to communicate. Of course they call mostly to see Nolan.........

This is Auntie Elise chatting with Nolan (see him in the bottom of the screen). And look!!!! There is Grandma in the background cooking dinner. I felt like I was in TX with them. LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!

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