I was hit in the face tonight by a ton of bricks. Every now and then I am reminded how fast this life is passing by. Before I became a mother, time passing did not hit me as hard. Everyone gets older...one more day gone is one more day closer to meeting our creator. Since we have been blessed with our sweet little man, the past 5 months have gone by faster than any period of my life. I get lost in the days with Nolan. The day to day routine we have in place is a well oiled machine.
Tonight as I rocked my sweetness, I noticed he needed a diaper change. Daddy offered, so I took advantage. I gave him the baby, and as I did this Nolan took his paci out of his mouth. He held that paci all the way to his room...staring at me the entire way. As if saying...look at me mommy I am all grown up!
It was then that I had to hold back every tear that was welling up in my eyes. Who was this baby that holds his paci for safe keeping? In that moment, he might as well have been a 5 year old holding his favorite toy. The saying "time flies" has been the biggest understatement lately. I don't want to miss one moment with my little guy. He is growing so fast...it is amazing. I am so grateful that I have a job that allows me to check in on him. I spend as much time with him as I can when I drop him off at his classroom in the morning, and check on him a few times a day....driving his teachers nuts :) Who would have thought that a simple little pacifier would make me cry???
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