Saturday, January 30, 2010

DRAMATIC! one took his favorite one took his bottle one told him Eebee is gone forever. This awful, pitiful look is the result of daddy saying "hey buddy!". Yes, no joke. Everyday when Brad comes home, he looks at Nolan and says "hey buddy!" The usual response is the wide. smiley grin that I love soooo much. He acts like he has not seen his daddy in two weeks. Just about the cutest thing you have ever seen.
This morning, however, the "hey buddy" produced a different reaction. I was in the other room when I heard the most pitiful cry. Not his "hungry cry" or his "sleepy cry" or his "mad at the world cry" was a "you broke my heart into a million pieces cry". I saw this face and had to take a picture. You might be thinking that this was a one time event...nope. We did the "hey buddy" test, and got this result at least 7 times. I had to grab my camera and capture his sweet little face...ohhhhh don't you want to jump through that computer screen and eat him????????????????????

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