Sunday, October 31, 2010

Like Father......

He is so much like his daddy it makes me smile, cringe and laugh :)

He loves his electronics. His favorite being daddy's IPOD. He knows how to flash a smile and turn on the flirt to get the ladies to do what he pleases. Heck, he even drives a yellow car like his daddy. :)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Miss it...but Love it

Just the other day, I was able to capture this moment. I had my camera handy, and had to snap a picture. As soon he took my finger, memories flooded back. Nothing beats the feeling of your baby holding your finger. There were times when he was younger when I would hold him for ages just so that I could feel his little finger around mine. I can't pin point the day or month when he stopped doing it, but he has stopped. It made me think..........

I miss the days when you would lay there and entertain yourself. Not sure what you were thinking about, but I knew you would be there if I left the room and came right back.

However, I love to watch you play. You are all over the place, and can find anything to amuse yourself.

I miss it when I could place you somewhere and know for a fact you would not move....could not move.

However, I love to watch you investigate life. You found my shoes in my closet, your fire hat in your toy box, your lunch box and backpack in a kitchen chair, the trash bag in the trash can, and the walmart bag in the laundry room. You gathered your treasures and put them in the same spot.
I am sure there are going to be many more things that I miss about you, but I know there will be far more things that I will love :)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A Buggy Situation

There are certain moments in your little BOYS life that you try to remember forever...the first time he threw a ball, his first truck, his new love of blocks, his love of the outside and dirt, the first time he fell down/scrapped his knee and went on doing what he was doing without shedding a tear. Well, tonight was one of those moments. It was Nolan's first encounter with a bug. This evening Brad took Nolan with him to take the trash can to the curb. He put him on his shoulders and started to pull the can when I heard "ERIN, COME SEE THIS BUG!!" There on the handle of the trash can was this guy...............................

The most interesting, strange looking caterpillar I have ever seen. Immediately the Science teacher in me wanted to take it to school to show my kids, but the human in me decided to let it go free. When Nolan saw what we were looking at, he was instantly amazed. He almost fell of Brad's shoulders a few times trying to get to it. I asked Brad to put it in the grass so that he could live a happy life. When he did, he dropped it on the drive way. Being the fun parents we are, we let Nolan down to "investigate".

As you can see, he had no problem touching his new friend. In fact, he had no problem trying to eat him either. As soon as I snapped this picture, Nolan picked up his bug and tried to put him in his mouth. Brad and I both SCREAMED for him to put him down. I am sure the neighbors thought we were nuts, but the thought of him eating a big squishy caterpillar freaked both of us out :)

So, we gave Mr. Caterpillar a new home inside of the mum on our porch. I went outside about a half hour later to snap a picture and the little guy was gone. Next time we see him he will be a GIANT SWALLOWTAIL BUTTERFLY :)

Sunday, October 24, 2010


The leaves are turning colors and falling to the ground, but that's about the only "fall thing" that is happening around here. I am sure on a typical fall day Nolan would not be able to chill outside in his skivvies, but today it was 81 degrees outside! We are not complaining...look at all the fun we had..............

I promise he had fun :)

Wanting daddy to chase him

Loves to climb these stairs. He will have a blast at Grandma's next month with her 105 stairs she has in her house :)

LOVES outside

He and Brad kicked this ball around for what seemed like forever. Nolan loves playing with his daddy :)

Wonder what is over that fence????

He points at everything these days. Very cute!

I am soooooo happy we bought a house with a nice backyard. Nolan has a blast running around. I can not wait until we get some play equipment out there. The bumps and bruises should multiply by 100 :)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

First of the Season

If you are a regular visitor of this blog, you know that Nolan is prone to ear infections. I tend to blog about all his happenings...including his sickness :) A few weeks ago, he started to get a runny nose. It turned green, he got fussy, he started his cough, stopped eating like he usually does, and finally started running a temp. That is what sent us to the doctor. I knew without the fever they would tell us not to come in. So, I waited until the fever begin even though I pretty much knew what was going on. These are allllllllllllllllllll the signs Nolan gives when he has an ear infection. Last winter he had 6 of them so by now I am an expert. :)

As you can see, our sick face is still pitiful. The top pic was taken at 5 months during one of his bronchiolitis/ear infection episodes. Not much has changed except he has a little more hair and his face does not seen quite as full :) Of course, in true Nolan fashion he needed to go to the doctor on a Thursday when Dr. Ladd is off. We saw the new doctor in the practice. It took everything I had to not cut her off and just tell her to give us some antibiotics. She took forever asking questions and talking about his eating/sleep habits (turns out he has lost a little weight from not eating). All the while, Nolan was destroying the office and turning trash cans upside down. I like that she was thorough, but I knew it was an ear infection and just wanted to get out of there. So, she took a look and yes mama was right....DOUBLE EAR INFECTIONS. Poor thing :( We got our Amoxicillian (free at Publix by the way) and went home to sleep it off. As you can see, he was still well enough to be a himself...a goofball!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Nothing Better

There are few things better on this planet than the taste of your first Oreo. So, naturally I had to capture this moment :)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Punkin' Patchin'

'Tis the season for pumpkins. Holidays with a child are soooooo much better than what they were before. I have always loved Halloween...the temps, trees, spooks and treats. Having Nolan around makes it even more fun! Last year, he was just a little nugget of love. At just a few months old, he had no idea what was going on. This year he's eatin' up the fall festivities.

While on fall break, Nolan and I went with PawPaw to the pumpkin patch. You could imagine my disappointment to find that I left my camera at home!!! So, we took some pics once we got home. Nolan loves his baby pumpkins!

Brad Nolan and I went back the next day...with the camera :)

I am sure you can remember this pic from last year.........

Things haven't changed much...........................

Nolan obviously does not share his mother's love of Halloween :(

Sunday, October 10, 2010

All Good Things.....

...must come to an end. Thank God! I have loved every minute of my fall break with my boo. Well, most every minute :) Nolan is the sweetest, sneakiest, laughiest, most destructive angel baby I know. We have spent the last 10 days lovin', playin', laughin', arguin' and buttin' heads. As I have said before, when Nolan is quiet there is trouble going on.

About a week before fall break, he did this criminal act. I was sitting in the living room updating the blog when I heard a loud "BANG". I went running and found Nolan standing over his crime scene. Yes, he pulled the night stand drawer right out!

As we were in the thick of fall break fun, Nolan decided to become enamored with my hair brush. He has no hair to brush, so I don't know why he is so fascinated. The point to this story is to tell you that one morning a heard "PLOP". Yes, my hair brush somehow threw itself into the toilet. I asked Nolan about it and he swears that he had nothing to do with it. (PS...this is NOT the first time he has done this)

The above photo brings me to day 8 of our fall break. Brad and I were in the kitchen cleaning up from dinner and heard a loud "THUD" (yes, there seems to be an onomatopoeia theme to this post....if you don't know what that means GOOGLE is a good resource). I looked around the corner and saw this. He pushed the chair into the living room, and when it got to the the rug I guess it tipped. And yes mom, there is goat milk all over the ottoman.

On this morning, the last morning of fall break, my hubby made me some cinnamon toast. I only eat the centers and leave the crust. I left the table for a brief time. Nolan grabbed the corner of the aluminum foil and went to town. I found him shoving crust in his mouth as if he had not eaten in days.

Finally, my last piece of evidence that its time to go back to school. My sweet bookworm who has not touched a toy on this shelf in weeks must have gotten bored. I found this lovely mess after I cleaned up the toast in the floor. It is time my is time!