Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A Buggy Situation

There are certain moments in your little BOYS life that you try to remember forever...the first time he threw a ball, his first truck, his new love of blocks, his love of the outside and dirt, the first time he fell down/scrapped his knee and went on doing what he was doing without shedding a tear. Well, tonight was one of those moments. It was Nolan's first encounter with a bug. This evening Brad took Nolan with him to take the trash can to the curb. He put him on his shoulders and started to pull the can when I heard "ERIN, COME SEE THIS BUG!!" There on the handle of the trash can was this guy...............................

The most interesting, strange looking caterpillar I have ever seen. Immediately the Science teacher in me wanted to take it to school to show my kids, but the human in me decided to let it go free. When Nolan saw what we were looking at, he was instantly amazed. He almost fell of Brad's shoulders a few times trying to get to it. I asked Brad to put it in the grass so that he could live a happy life. When he did, he dropped it on the drive way. Being the fun parents we are, we let Nolan down to "investigate".

As you can see, he had no problem touching his new friend. In fact, he had no problem trying to eat him either. As soon as I snapped this picture, Nolan picked up his bug and tried to put him in his mouth. Brad and I both SCREAMED for him to put him down. I am sure the neighbors thought we were nuts, but the thought of him eating a big squishy caterpillar freaked both of us out :)

So, we gave Mr. Caterpillar a new home inside of the mum on our porch. I went outside about a half hour later to snap a picture and the little guy was gone. Next time we see him he will be a GIANT SWALLOWTAIL BUTTERFLY :)

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