Sunday, October 10, 2010

All Good Things.....

...must come to an end. Thank God! I have loved every minute of my fall break with my boo. Well, most every minute :) Nolan is the sweetest, sneakiest, laughiest, most destructive angel baby I know. We have spent the last 10 days lovin', playin', laughin', arguin' and buttin' heads. As I have said before, when Nolan is quiet there is trouble going on.

About a week before fall break, he did this criminal act. I was sitting in the living room updating the blog when I heard a loud "BANG". I went running and found Nolan standing over his crime scene. Yes, he pulled the night stand drawer right out!

As we were in the thick of fall break fun, Nolan decided to become enamored with my hair brush. He has no hair to brush, so I don't know why he is so fascinated. The point to this story is to tell you that one morning a heard "PLOP". Yes, my hair brush somehow threw itself into the toilet. I asked Nolan about it and he swears that he had nothing to do with it. (PS...this is NOT the first time he has done this)

The above photo brings me to day 8 of our fall break. Brad and I were in the kitchen cleaning up from dinner and heard a loud "THUD" (yes, there seems to be an onomatopoeia theme to this post....if you don't know what that means GOOGLE is a good resource). I looked around the corner and saw this. He pushed the chair into the living room, and when it got to the the rug I guess it tipped. And yes mom, there is goat milk all over the ottoman.

On this morning, the last morning of fall break, my hubby made me some cinnamon toast. I only eat the centers and leave the crust. I left the table for a brief time. Nolan grabbed the corner of the aluminum foil and went to town. I found him shoving crust in his mouth as if he had not eaten in days.

Finally, my last piece of evidence that its time to go back to school. My sweet bookworm who has not touched a toy on this shelf in weeks must have gotten bored. I found this lovely mess after I cleaned up the toast in the floor. It is time my is time!

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